If a person is in immediate danger, call 911 or call the Department of Family and Protective Services at 1-800-252-5400 or report the abuse online.
Written allegations (marked "Personal and Confidential") may be sent to: Office of the Bishop, Diocese of Victoria in Texas, P.O. Box 4070, Victoria, Texas 77903-4070.
To report suspected or known abuse by church personnel, please contact ONE of the following: Coordinator of Pastoral Care and Outreach, Shannon Thomas, LMSW at (361) 827-7186 or [email protected] or the Chancellor of Diocese of Victoria at (361) 573-0828 or [email protected].
If sexual abuse by a member of clergy has occurred in another diocese, the Diocese of Victoria will help bring your concerns to church officials. For assistance, contact Shannon Thomas at (361) 827-7186 or [email protected].
The Safe Environment Coordinator for Holy Family Church and Saint Joseph Mission is Vicki Simper. She may be contacted at (979) 453-1331.